Since November 2019 LaserFocus and its director dr Mirko Jankov have established a permanent collaboration with the respectable ophthalmological institute in Zürich, headed by the renowned dr Theo Seiler, which is a great recognition for our clinic and the Serbian ophthalmology.
Our contact and temporary collaboration last for years, but the origins date back to 1999, from the Brazilian Congress about the then revolutionary new method Crosslinking, where dr Jankov and the Swiss expert met.

“I completed my specialization in Brazil in 2000 and spent the next year with dr Seiler while he was at the university in Zürich. There, besides that method, I got through dioptric correction of irregular corneas, aberration, topography-guided laser surgery, and a lot of other methods that I would keep applying for the next 20 years, working all over the world. I was also a consultant at WaveLight, a company that produces lasers. There were 20 of us – in the so-called „Beta group“ and prof. Seiler was the so-called „Alfa-ophthalmologist”. We’ve been gathering information from all over the world and field works about problems that were not faced only by us, but all our colleagues as well. In order to find possible solutions, we were analyzing and discussing all that in our „kitchen“. I was concretely suggesting software and hardware improvement. At that time I collaborated the most with dr. Seiler learned and got used to his way of work. It is then that I also got through how to translate concrete fieldwork problems in solutions, as well as the way to improve the lasers. At the same time, we were writing articles and teaching future refractive surgeons. Later, prof. Seiler left the University, followed by hard rumors in public, as the only full professor that did such a thing so far – says dr. Jankov. From then on, the two of them collaborate continuously, and, regardless of the accepted advice from the more experienced colleague to focus on the territory of Serbia, they spoke many times about a more lasting collaboration in Switzerland. –Finally, last year he told me that the right moment had come in terms of “now or never”. Therefore we are now writing a book together and I already started receiving patients from November on, so the process of learning on the new field has already started and it will last three years” – added dr Jankov. The son of the famous professor has just completed his specialization in ophthalmology and is on the rise of his career. Dr. Jankov is here a connection that would make possible the proper transfer of knowledge, especially the practical part.
Our people in Switzerland can finally address a doctor “of their own”, to see the name dr Jankov on the website and visit him for medical checks. –They simply don’t want to undergo surgeries abroad because they don’t feel safe in terms of language and prefer to come to Serbia, but when they get back, they don’t have anyone who would follow and check them. In Switzerland, Germany, Austria… the Serbs are a very numerous minority, they are at the second place in terms of numbers, just behind the Germans. When we add to them the ex-YU compatriots (from Bosnia, Croatia, Montenegro…) the amount of people is very large. Considering that dr Mirko Jankov speaks excellently Portuguese and Spanish language (these people are also numerous in Switzerland and in neighboring countries), the motive for collaboration in these areas is even stronger: chance to receive a top treatment, with cutting-edge technology, in mother language, which would be a unique privilege.
You can have all needed info related to booking of medical checks and surgeries on the following address:
- IROC – institut für Refraktive und Ophthalmo-Chirurgie
- Stockerstrasse 37
- 8002 Zürich – CH
- Telefon: +41 (0) 43 488 38 00
- E-mail: