I got the idea that I could correct my vision with a laser a couple of years ago, but I gave myself time to find out as much as possible about it, especially whether I am a “candidate” for this type of intervention, to find out exactly what are the risks and what are the results, who are the leading experts in this field and what are the opportunities.
As nothing is accidental, I heard from an acquaintance about the name of dr Jankov, so after an Internet search, I found information about the clinic and at that moment I decided to go for an examination. The very next day I said goodbye to my reading glasses! The whole experience for me was completely fascinating, science fiction in the best sense of the word! In my case, the intervention was performed only on the right eye. I would like to emphasize that everything happens very quickly, very simply and without any mystery for us laymen, considering that during that operation, which lasts only a few minutes, dr Jankov communicates with the patient in the most usual way.
As a rule, the postoperative course goes unnoticed, because the happiness for the achieved result is primary! I am satisfied, no, I am very lucky to have found a clinic that works thoroughly and according to the highest world standards, including as the “brain” of the LaserFocus Center, Mirko Jankov, so do his colleagues and kind employees who greatly contribute to this nice impression!
Anica Dobra, LASIK, Belgrade