Our team

Prof. dr Mirko Jankov
Clinical director, MD PhD

Prof. dr Mirko Jankov, clinical director, MD Ph.D. graduated from Medical Faculty, University of Belgrade (Serbia), completed his specialization in ophthalmology in Sao Paulo (Brazil), sub-specialization in the area of refractive surgery in Zurich (Switzerland) and cataract and anterior segment in Sao Paulo (Brazil). He worked as a scientific and clinical fellow at the service of Prof. Dr. Theo Seiler in Zurich (Switzerland) and Prof. Dr. Ioannis Pallikaris in Heraklion (Greece), whereafter he has been a part of the scientific team of Institute for Refractive and Oculoplastic Surgery IROC from Zurich (Switzerland). He is the organizer and lecturer at the Mini-fellowship in Refractive Surgery in Zurich (Switzerland) and is a licensed instructor for Alcon / WaveLight worldwide.

He defended his Ph.D. thesis in the area of bioengineering at the Federal University of Sao Paulo (Brazil). For years he was head of the refractive team in the Institute of Ophthalmology of Curitiba IOC in Curitiba (Brazil), as well as Miloš Clinic in Belgrade (Serbia) and is a founder of LaserFocus Centre for Eye Microsurgery. He is the author of more than a hundred scientific papers, books and invited and free papers at major ophthalmic conferences, and a reviewer of a number of professional journals such as Archives of Ophthalmology, Arquivos Brasileiros de Oftalmologia, British Journal of Ophthalmology, Current Eye Research, Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery, Journal of Refractive Surgery, Middle East and African Journal of Ophthalmology and Ophthalmology. He is a member of prestigious American, European, and Brazilian general and subspecialty ophthalmic associations; he is a regularly invited speaker on all of the most important world meetings in ophthalmology. Dr. Jankov has received many awards and was proclaimed Wavelight’s Global Ambassador of Ophthalmology 2007.

Prof. Fernanda Florentino Fernandez Jankov
Executive director, RAD PhD

Prof. Fernanda Florentino Fernandez Jankov, executive director, RAD Ph.D. is a Law Graduate from both the University of San Paolo, Brazil, and the University of Nottingham Law School, United Kingdom. She achieved her Master’s Degree in Latin American Integration from the USP and obtained a Doctorate in Law from the Federal University in Parana, Brazil.

Prof. Fernandez is a senior researcher at the Institute of Comparative Law within the Ministry of Sciences in Belgrade, Serbia, in addition to being a professor at the University of Belgrade Law School, lecturing in Judicial Protection in the EU. She is a member of such prestigious organizations as the College of Arbitrators FDI Competition in Frankfurt and has achieved recognition as a legal practitioner from the Bar of England and Wales. Prof. Fernandez has worked as a visiting fellow at the British Institute of International and Comparative Law in London. Her recently-published book, “The Principle of Universal Jurisdiction in International Criminal Law: International Criminal Court’s Mechanism of Implementation”, is based on her Doctoral thesis, researched at the University of Cambridge during her time spent as a visiting fellow at the Lauterpacht Research Centre for International Law.

Prof. dr Ljubiša Nikolić
Prof. dr.

Dr. Ljubiša Nikolić, was born in Belgrade, where he finished the elementary school, graduated from the Fifth Belgrade Gymnasium and then from the Faculty of Medicine. After the degree he passed the ECFMG exam (nostrification for S.A.D.), completed a specialization in ophthalmology, received his master’s degree and defended his doctoral thesis. He learned, taught and conducted his profession at the Clinic for eye deseases „Prof. dr Ivan Stanković“ from 1975. to 2013., specialized in ophthalmology, was head of the corneal transplant department, head of the department for surgical cataracts and Chief Clinics. He started his university career in 1980 as an assistant, but soon became and was a full professor until 2016.

He was aquiring his experience in Boston, as Cornea Research Fellow at Harvard University, in Moscow at the Institute of Eye Microsurgery (phacoemulsification) and in Indianapolis, at the Price Vision Group (endothelial keratoplasty). Prof. dr Nikolić considers his contribution to medicine is the introduction of selective procedures for corneal transplantation (DSEK and DALK) in Serbia and the introduction of the study of angiogenesis of the eye in our country. His mentors were: professors Slobodan Dergenc, Zlatimir Kecmanović and Richard Thoft, but he learned as well from professors Klaes Dolman and Jude Folkman. He was mentor to Prof. dr Mirjana Dujić, to Prof. dr Zora Ignjatović, to dr Katarina Misailović and to Assoc. Prof. dr Vesna Jovanović.

Scholarship: Fulbright, for postdoctoral studies 1983-1984.
Master’s thesis (mentor: prof.dr S. Dergenc): Intraoperative and early postoperative complications of perforative keratoplasty. Belgrade 1978.
Doctoral dissertation (mentor: Prof. Dr. Z. Kecmanović): Possibilities of the influence of photocoagulation on the course of diabetic maculopathy. Belgrade 1981.


  • Nikolić Lj. Lasers in the treatment of eye diseases. Scientific book, Belgrade 1991.
  • Nikolić Lj. Diabetic retinopathy. Textbook Institute, Belgrade, 1999.
  • Nikolić Lj (Editor). Cataract Surgery, Institute for Textbooks, Belgrade 2009.

Textbook: Blagojevic M., Dergenc S., Drincic V., Kuljaca Z., Nikolic Lj. Eye diseases: a textbook for students of the Faculty of Dentistry. Faculty of Dentistry, University of Belgrade, 1989.

Practicum: Kuljača Z, Nikolić Lj. Ophthalmology practicum for students of the Faculty of Dentistry.

Journals: editor of the column in the journal edited by the students of medicine “Medicinski podmladak” (Medical offspring); Secretary of the editorial board of the magazine “Serbian Archives for All Medicine”; editor-in-chief of the journal of the Association of Ophthalmologists of Serbia “Acta Ophthalmologica” (as president of the Association).

Journal Reviewer: Serbian Archives of All Medicine, Military Medical Review, British Journal of Ophthalmology, Current Eye Research, Indian Journal of Ophthalmology.

Book reviewer: Golubović S, Jovanović M, editor (s). Ophthalmology: textbook for the student of medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, 2010 and 2015.
Associations with membership with recommendations: ARVO, Cornea Society.

Significant works:

  1. Nikolic Lj, Friend J, Taylor S, Thoft RA. Inhibition of vascularization in rabbit corneas by heparin:cortisone pellets. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 1986, 27:449-456.
  2. Thoft RA, Friend J, Kinoshita S, Nikolić Lj, Foster CS. Ocular cicatrcial pemphigoid associated with hyperproliferation of conjunctival epithelium. Am J Ophthalmol 1984, 98:37-42.
  3. Nikolić Lj, Jovanović V, Lačković V, Todorović V. Endothelial keratoplasty without Descemet’s membrane stripping: histologic and ultrastructural findings. Ophthalmic Res 2009, 43:56-60
  4. Jovanović V, Nikolić Lj. The effect of topical doxycycline on corneal neovascularization. Curr Eye Res 2013, 39:142-148.
  5. Nikolić Lj, Jovanović V, Delević S. In vivo confocal microscopy of corneoscleral epithelial cyst after spontaneous marsupialization. Cornea 2013; 32:
  6. Dergenc S, Nikolic Lj. Simultaneous keratoplasty and cataract extraction. Acta Ophthalmol Iug 1976, 14: 99-104
  7. Nikolić Lj. Jovanović V. Descemet stripping endothelial keratoplasty: one year follow-up.Srp Arh Celok Lek 2010, 138:690-693
  8. Nikolić Lj, Jovanović V. Deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty in keratoconus.Srp Arh Celok Lek 2007;139:88-91.
  9. Nikolić Lj, Jovanović V, Jankov M. One cornea for two patients: case report. Arq brasil oftalmol 2010;73:291-293.
  10. Nikolic Lj, Jovanovic V. Simultaneous phacoemulsification, lens implantation and endothelial keratoplasty (triple procedure) – Military Medical Review 2011, 68: 800-803.
Dr Lozica Ristić

Dr. Lozica Ristić, was born in Sokobanja, in 1958., where she finished her high school. She graduated from the Faculty of Medicine in Niš, and specialized in Ophthalmology, in Belgrade at the City Hospital in Zvezdara. She has been employed in DZ “Savski venac” for 31 years. For the last 10 years, she has also been working at the LaserFocus clinic, as a consultant, where she deals with General Ophthalmology.

Zaga Biočanin
Jelica Stojanović
Assistant Manager
Sandra Ivošev
Head Nurse
Stefan Đulinac
Milica Felbab
Mia Smiljković
Andrea Stevčić
Tamara Radović
Jelena Veličković
General servis
Hamide Biočanin
General servis