A world without glasses

He could not live normally without glasses or lenses and he believed that there was no cure for his problem. Today, he knows that there is one, as well as he knows what the shades of color in the eyes of dear friends look like. The most important thing for a good journalist is to be self-confident at all times. That’s what Nemanja Velikić looks like, ready to inform the viewers about health topics at any time. But, until recently, one topic was taboo to him.

Svet bez naočara

Optical aids have been an integral part of my life for 20 years. I say aids because I alternately wore contact lenses and glasses. I couldn’t imagine a day without them. The most difficult was in the lower grades of primary school. There were no plastic glasses at the time, so I often broke my glasses. I was small for lenses. Every trip to summer or winter holidays meant adaptation. Entering the water, in a swimming pool or skiing in winter, included glasses. Due to work in front of the camera, I often had aversions and anxiety that my lens would move or fall out while reading, says Nemanja Velikić.

He became acquainted with the possibilities of refractive surgery for the first time about ten years ago. At that time, he was not able to undergo that intervention.

Some of the doctors told me that it was impossible to fix my problem with any intervention and to accept that it was the way it was. I slowly began to lose hope that I would ever be able to watch without aids. In a short time period, I heard two stories from people who have no points of contact, except that they were both operated by dr Mirko Jankov. They told me what a successes he had in our country and in the world, and how difficult cases he solved.

I wanted to meet the doctor personally and already during the first handshake I knew it was it. Dr Jankov radiates expertise, professionalism and trust. When you have a very few of something, you are afraid that you might lose even that few. In addition to his expertise, the doctor must also have that something because of which you would entrust him that “few”. That’s exactly what I felt with dr Jankov, explains Nemanja.

The journalist was not afraid of the intervention itself, although there was uncertainty about what everything would look like, whether he would immediately see, when the glasses would become part of his past… At the time when he was considering whether to ever go to such an intervention, the moment of decision took away the fear.

Thanks to the medical staff of LaserFocus, from the moment you enter the dark room and preoperative preparation, you feel like you are visiting your best friends. The ambiance and atmosphere that prevails in LaserFocus, and even in the surgical block, are far from being even similar to a hospital. After 15 minutes of preparation, you enter the hall where dr Jankov’s team is waiting for you. The intervention itself takes about five minutes and there is not literally even a P of pain. The only thing that is present is a pleasant feeling of hydration. Since getting up from the operating table, I have been trying to find a term that would describe that feeling, and I cannot find it. Let’s use the word crystal, as the closest one to define the quality of vision I have now.

The best way to describe how much I am pleased by this change is the feeling like I’ve never even worn glasses.