LaserFocus in Sarajevo

Oftalmološka ordinacija “Dr. Sefić“ prva je u zemljama u okruženju koja je ugovorila dugoročnu saradnju sa beogradskim “LaserFocus” Centrom za mikrohirurgiju oka

Asian International Congress in Ophthalmology

The 102nd Annual International Meeting of the Korean Ophthalmic Society was held from 6th – 8th November 2009 in Seoul, South Korea. This international event provided the perfect opportunity for the world’s foremost ophthalmologists to present and exchange the very latest information and technological trends in cataract and refractive surgery. The Congress consisted of several […]

20.10.2009. Video
27th ESCRS Meeting

Over 5000 experts in ophthalmology and refractive surgery from Europe and around the world congregated for this year’s Congress of the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery in Barcelona, Spain. This large gathering of global ophthalmic delegates was organized by one of the most famous non-profit societies, the ESCRS, which has always enjoyed great […]

XXXV Congress of Ophthalmology Brazil 2009

The 35th traditional Brazilian Congress of Ophthalmology (XXXV Congresso Brasiliero de Oftalmologia), held from the 24th to the 27th of August in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, attracted a large number of ophthalmic experts from all over the world and represented one of the most important events concerning ophthalmology in Brazil and the region. This year, […]

Ophthalmic Foundation of Los Andes

Chile’s leading ophthalmic organization in Los Andes organized an invitation-only ophthalmic event which brought together the foremost global experts in the world of ophthalmology and refractive surgery With his presence, Dr. Jankov enhanced this jubilee occasion marking the 20th anniversary of the formation of this most important of Chilean ophthalmic organizations, by lecturing a full […]

2009 Congress of Refractive Surgery in Portugal

A large number of ophthalmic experts from the world over, representatives of ophthalmology and refractive surgery, gathered in Albufiera, in southern Portugal, for this year’s international Congress of Refractive Surgery (CIRP – Cirurgia Implanto-Refractiva de Portugal). This Congress took place from the 5th to the 6th of June, and participants were able to spend these […]

“Glas javnosti”

An expert lecture in the field of ophthalmology and refractive eye surgery was held.
